
What is the best way to kill off my lawn so that I can get rid of the weeds and dig out the excess soil?

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My lawn is only small - approx 4m x 5m

There is far too much soil in the garden and there are dips and mounds everywhere.

I would like to kill the lawn off, re-dig the garden and level it before re-seeding.

I am considering covering the garden in black garden sheeting until everything dies, or, using weedkiller to blast everything.

Please can anyone suggest which method will be best, or if they know or a more effective way?




  1. round up should do the job,though make shure you dont let pets near it and read the instructions on the box carefully.

  2. sorry folks covering it with anything wont achieve a great deal as once uncovered  the weeds will be back, a lot of weeds like thistle, nettle and docks take more than one dose of killer and while your doing that new weed seeds have arrived, rotivate remove excess soil and seed or turf, once re-established use selective weed killers, like moss or broad leaf weed killer that will not effect the grass at the same time use a grass fertiliser all to manufacturers reccomendations. not forgetting that when you buy turf or seed there is a multitude to buy from. ie hard wearing, (no i`m not joking). all else failing pop into your local golf course and ask one of the groundsmen you usually find that gardeners are keen to share their knowledge

  3. Spray the area with round up and then cover with black sheeting or an old carpet.

  4. light it on fire

  5. There is vegetation killer that will kill everything.

    More fun . ...poor gass on it and light it. Do this as night

  6. I have just purchased a strong weed killer to do the same.  I purchased it from a farm suppliers much cheaper than going to a garden centre.

  7. Covering should do it; but use something aerobic ... like an old carpet ... not plastic sheeting, which will kill all the worms (though they should soo repopulate such a small area).

    Here's some professional advice:

  8. Roundup will kill everything that grows in your lawn including the grass. But it will stay around for a long time, like 6 months.

  9. Use a strong bleech, and plough your garden in it. About 3 days later EVERYTHING will be dead

  10. I think the plastic would be the best and quickest way

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