
What is the best way to kill weeds with Roundup just spray and go or soak the weeds?

by Guest61953  |  earlier

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What is the best way to kill weeds with Roundup just spray and go or soak the weeds?




  1. Roundup (glyphosate) has to be absorbed through the leaves of the treated plant to be effective.  Because of that don't cut the leaves down before you treat the weed.  A single drop of Roundup will not kill most plants, but if you spray the leaves so that they are wet, but not dripping, you should see the plant start to die in about 2 weeks.  Roundup interferes with the biochemical processes of the plant and because of this it can take a bit of time before it kills the plant completely.  However, plants do not usually recover if Roundup is applied correctly.  

    Bug Doc

  2. Just spray and go. If one drop touches the plant, and is mixed correctly, and isn`t washed off right away, that plant is DEAD. (Mostly, depending on the size of the plant. I have sprayed it on large plants, such as shrubs, and it kill only the limbs it hits).

  3. The best way is to put enough Roundup on the weeds and make sure you don't apply it in hot weather where the sun is beating down on the weeds. Try and wait till later in the day just before it gets to dark.

  4. just spray,but be careful as sprays can drift

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