
What is the best way to learn a language?

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I currently live in Greece and I would like to learn Greek. It should also help that I live here, but is there a fast way for me to learn the language? Like a website that teaches you? Please don't say Rossetta Stone because my mother refuses to buy it and she also refuses to get me a tutor. If you could help I would be thankful.


I'm in highschool if that is important.




  1. Praise

     There is no best way to learn a language, because everyone learns slightly differently. Educational programs in language helps students to succeed which include taking conventional classes, immersion, and self-teaching.

    You can acquire a new language by adapting to the environment in which it is spoken. Students should plan to seek employment while they are learning and also take vacation that will last for several months.


  2. Your mom won't pay for a tutor, but would she let you go to a class?  That would probably be much less expensive, and help you learn the foundations of the language.  After you know some Greek, the fastest way to learn it is to make Greek friends, and speak Greek with them.

  3. There are quite a few podcasts you can subscribe to on iTunes that are free to download. Check out their language podcasts. Quite a few are pretty good to listen to. There's not only Greek, but a whole lot of other languages as well.

  4. Various techniques, including websites, videos, etc., can seem effective at first, but the best way to learn a language is to take a class. If you really are serious about learning the language, make the investment sooner rather than later.

  5. I think that a good way to learn a lenguage is use answer  in other lenguages.Chose one on the bottom of the page.

  6. Do they have classes at your high school that teach Greek.  Check your high school out.  I'm guessing that you may be part of a military family that you are in Greece.  If this is the case, then the family service center, MWR, or any other place on base may have classes for beginners in Greek that would at least teach you the basics.  Good luck.  

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