
What is the best way to learn a menu?

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So i am having a little trouble learning what sides come with each dish on the menu, are there any ways to learn them faster, besides flash cards?




  1. as a waitperson? or as a diner?

    You just have to spend some time in memorization. Some restaurants have the same sides with half their menu entrees and some have different with every entree.

    Work on one entree per week, otherwise you will always be looking at your "cheat sheet". I do like waitpersons who know what is on each plate. And that is a matter of memorization! Just repeating the same things  over and over and eventually you will have learned it.

  2. Okay here's what I do to memorize things, I make up a sentence that helps remember the words. I forget what it's called, something like nemonic device. It's like ROY G BIV for the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet!

    Take your list of sides and create a name or a phrase. Not sure what your list of sides has on it but you get the idea. It might help you. You actually will remember better once you have more practice with taking orders. Nothing like being on the spot to make you remember faster, plus the likelihood of making better tips when you can rattle off the menu to people.  It might take a couple weeks but you'll get it!

    See if you can take a list of the menu home and practice with friends or family.  Just repeating it over and over will help you remember better, good luck!

  3. Flash cards are my favorite method, but if that doesn't work for you, try to think of words that go together.

    Ex: say meatloaf comes with a side of mashed potatoes, the m's go together. Meat and Mashed. etc.

  4. Just have to work on it, and practise until you learn them.  You might be able to make a little rhyme to go with each dish, this sort of thing is very effective for learning new things.

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