
What is the best way to learn about investment?

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There are so many ways to invest your money in America. There's forex, real estate, stocks, mutual funds, 401k, etc. What is the best way to learn about all of these different types of investment (other than majoring in the financial field)?




  1. Go to a local big company bank and they should have an investment specialist that knows all about what your looking to know.

  2. I am an amateur investor so my advice might not be the best (but then again, it didn't cost you much, did it?); however, I am in a similar situation as yourself.  I began reading investment articles and books a couple of months ago.  I have learned a couple of things that seem to be particularly important, primarily diversification.  I learned a bit about how bonds and stocks work and what to look for.  I also have learned a bit about mutual funds.  My advice is this.  Read about the investments that you wish to work with.  Once you have read a little bit, get a little experience by doing some investing.  I currently have 3 types of investments.  1) US Savings bonds.  They don't pay very well but inflation and taxes seem to be the only way they loose value.  2) Stocks. I really dislike the fees that most brokers charge.  I don't have a lot of $$$ to invest so $4-$15 a trade doesn't help much.  I found a broker (Zecco) that offers 10 free trades a month.  That way I can by 2 shares of Delta Airline stock (currently worth a whopping $5.42/ share) without having a 50% loss just because of the trading fee.  I do have to have $2500 in the account to get the free trades.  I leave that in a money market fund so it gets a little bit better interest.  Here is a link to that company

    3) Peer to peer loans.  You might think that these are risky.  Well, all investments have some risk.  I currently have 4 loans for $50 each out to individuals.  I have not once received a late payment.  My average return is about 14%.  I establish these loans through Prosper.  Here is a link to that website.

    Feel free to e-mail me with questions.  Good luck.

  3. There is no best way to learn, but by checking with the professionals in their own field and asking the right questions.

    Usually - How much you intend to invest?

                   How much you intend to loose?

                   HOw long you intend to invest?

                   Risk Profiling - Appetite for risk level? (type of risk)

                   Do you have excess fund to spent?

    Meaning this funds you intend to put into an investment fund is not needed in case of emergency. You can say in simple term - money can be spent without worry or stress. but expect a return in the medium to long term period. (Can be 3 years to 5 years)

    Is it for your retirement purpose? and how much you intend to retire with?

    All these question will be ask and you will need to be realistic and honest in your answers.

    Don't fool yourself.

    I have invested in  long terms retirement funds in Unit trust by diversification in different asset. Spread your risk (Put your eggs in different basket is the key)

    Hope this help



  4. For the immediate future I would seek the advise of a professional financial adviser. Long term I would take the time to study financial information from all the sources I could lay my hands on including searches on the Internet. It will be worth the time and effort


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