
What is the best way to learn who to surf?

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What is the best way to learn who to surf?




  1. Just get a pro!!!!or get the SALT WATER GIRL MAGAZINE from a few months back...ask one of our girl friends they should have it. There was this 2 page spread about surfing 101, its really easy strongs with the whole surfing thing

  2. take surfing lessons.

  3. ask someone like a professional to help you

  4. Get a used board and go paddling and once you are comfortable, stand up on the shore breaks.

    Once you are comfortable with the footing and know where to place it so you can get in trim, you can pretty much figure it out from  there.

    Its also good to get a skateboard and practice carving  to get manuevers down.

  5. lots of surf camps out there sign up for one. they have the know how, the boards and the experience to safely get you stoked on the best experience you will ever have.

  6. If you know anybody that surfs have them teach you.

  7. The best way is to put yourself in the same position as the enemy

  8. surfing takes alot of patience, but as they say once you get it "only a surfer knows the feeling" and you WILL get it. I learned in Socal, Huntington Beach, and went out every day almost all fall, and winter, (when it is way less crowded so you don't feel like a kook) so by the spring I was good enough to hold my own in the water and knew proper etiquette. Paddling power is more effective than surfing technique, since the guy who catches it first off the peak, can do whatever he wants. So get in good paddling shape and rip it!

  9. surfing lessons. u can take them around most beaches but the lessons can get to be expensive.

  10. Watch a few surfing movies. The way that they teach people is usually never to far off from the real thing. Then, just grab yourself a machine made board from ron john or something like that. The factory machine made boards are a lot cheaper than the hand made ones. Then, just go out with a buddy or two, watch others, and repeat. Just takes practice. The longer the board the smaller the wave you can ride. Just dont give up, there is almost always someone at the beach who is surfing who will give you a tip or two when your out there also. Surfers may appear hard, but if you have a board, there is a bond there, and as long as you dont get one of the few people that are real *****, then they should be more than willing to help you get started on surfing!

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