
What is the best way to locate old classmates for 20 yr high school reunion?

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What is the best way to locate old classmates for 20 yr high school reunion?




  1. Go on the internet. They advertise that Classmate site all the time in pop ups.  Annoying.  You have to subscribe though.

  2. is one place to look, also

    Also contact the school for an alumni list, most schools try to keep update, so they can send out information regarding school fundraisers and alumni letters and stuff.

    And placing an ad in the local paper where the school is located.

    Good luck.

  3. School year book and the internet. I just had a 30 yr reunion and because of internet and cellphones, we are able to contact more than 70%.

  4. I would send them mail (if you have their e-mail) or maybe if you have their phone numbers call them. You could always check in the phonebook or online.

  5. You need to check the jails and sexual predator list first. You'd be surprised what your classmate has been up to.

  6. You could try the website mum found loads of her old schoolfriends on there. :)

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