
What is the best way to lose 15 pounds without exercising, just eating right and dieting?

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I currently weight 160, need to weight 145, i'm 28 years old, 5'6 . . . .married, 6 kids, and work 40 hours a week so I don't have time to exercise.

Can I lose weight by doing house work and eating right?




  1. You need to figure out how many calories per day your body burns during a normal day's activity, and then eat less than this number and you will slowly start to lose weight :). There are lots of calorie calculators online that can do this for you.

    A realistic goal for someone of your weight is about 1 pound per week with little to no exercise. It's best to eat mostly fat free foods, and foods that will give you sustained energy. I would avoid eating more than 2 pieces of fruit per day, as it is all simple sugar. Complex carbs will help to keep you feeling more energized throughout the day because they take longer for your body to break down (found in whole grains). They also contain a high amount of fiber, which helps with digestion and also curbs appetite.

    Drink lots of water throughout the day to help lose stored waterweight, feel more full and burn more calories. Try to plan how many calories you will eat per day, and ration the food out through the day so you feel more full. Vegetables and high protein snacks are a must for vitamins and energy as well. As always, avoid any sources of empty calories, and even diet sodas which are proven to be fattening as well. Good luck on your quest!  

  2. i hate exercising, if you cut your calories you will lose weight, but you need to be mindful of your intake.  i did weight watchers (at home) and lost about 1-2 pounds a week without much exercise (maybe walking only). but it will take time.

  3. I lost 20 pounds by paying attention to what I ate and when I ate it.  I ate whatever I wanted to, but I only ate when I was hungry, only when I truly felt hunger in my stomach.  I stopped at the first indication that I was full.  It helps to eat with your eyes closed.  Your eyes don't get the better of you that way.  You'll eat more often but you will be eating much, much less.  But, you have to have the will power to stop when you're full even if there's a piece of cake sitting next to you.  And you have to stop yourself from eating when you're bored/upset/etc.  That was the hardest part for me.  Good luck!

  4. You can loose weight without exercising and eating right.

    If you have a proper lunch break so you can eat before you come home (too hungry) it´ll work for you very good more the less like this.

    Breakfast: Coffee or tee and a brown toast bread with BUTTER (very important, never cut on good sources of fat, they are needed even when on diet) and a slice of tomato/lettuce + a good quality slice of cheese or good quality ham. Avoid milk, yogurt and eggs.

    If you are a type for fruits, eat a selection of fresh fruits and/or a fruit juice.

    Lunch: A SOUP. Always when possible start your lunch with soup. It will satisfy your hunger at least for 50%. It´s excellent for digestion and healthy in all ways. Small grilled steak + salad as a main course. No dessert.

    Avoid potatoes, heavy dressings with mayonnaise, breaded meat or anything pre-fabricated. Eat freshly prepared products.

    After lunch you shouldn´t be eating anything at all. If you get too hungry, eat 1-2 bananas.

    Drink a lot of WATER during the day.

    No sweets whatsoever except fruits!

    First few days might be tough, but you´ll get used to this diet soon. It will provide you with all necessary nutrients, give you enough power for daily duties and keep you healthy.

  5. cut out refined carbs and keep eating leafy green salads, veggies, and fruits, and nuts.  

  6. eat fruits and veggies but small proportions basically eat 6 small meals!

  7. lazy

  8. Using the formula for calculating Basal Metabolic Rate....

    P = 9.99(Weight in kg) +  6.25(Height in cm) - 4.92(Age in years) - 161 =  

    P = 9.99(160/2.2) +  6.25(0.395*66) - 4.92(28) - 161 =  1472


    1472 is your Estimated Basal Metabolic Rate(The amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your current weight). Now you need to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories per day for a week to lose 1 pound in a week.....(250 for half a pound)

    Remember that the more you move(not necessarily exercise) in a day that will burn calories and reduce your overall calorie intake. Good Luck!

    Tip: If you increase the amount of muscle you ahve your body will burn more calories even when at rest.

  9. You can try South Beach Diet.

  10. go  wheat  free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7

    p.m.  People  achieve  marvellous  results  with it. Depending on your

    initial  weight,  you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't eat  wheat  then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don't  eat  junk  food,  and  you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is

    still  balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

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