
What is the best way to make an application stand out.?

by  |  earlier

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I cant get calls from anywhere, i have experience, im bi-lingual, no crimes committed etc ... but everywhere i put in applications to never call me back even when i call in and ask about the job afterwards i just get the run-around.... so what can i do to make a normal application stand out to get calls? im at the end of my rope here.




  1. to make it stand out, they look for people who can change the worlds mind set on things. they are basically looking for originality. they often throw away boring, unorganized, and dirty papers. really let youre inner colors shine through your paper. make sure youre qualities stand out,  

  2. Include a resume if possible, but definitely include a cover letter. Both of these are ways that will help you stand out. Make sure your applications are completely filled out and provide all details on the application regardless of the resume, do not say "see resume".  Gear your details about your former employment or experiences to emphasize your skills or knowledge that directly relate to the job you are applying for.  Print clearly and keep things clean, brief and thorough on the applications. At times, tactfully making contact with someone in charge of interviews or hiring may be in order when turning in the application. This may become an opportunity to have them give you an interview on-the-spot or your application may be flagged for a later call for an interview.

    Bottom line, make it seem like your specifically looking for each job you apply for.  If it looks like every job is just another number to you, you will be a number to them. Taylor your resumes, your cover letters and you applications.

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