
What is the best way to make money fast?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and I joined iPOP which is basically acting classes that you pay for and then in January there is this HUGE convention in California where all these agents come together and you try to get "discovered."

But the downside is that it costs $8,000, YIKES! and no, it isnt a scam.

So I need to fund raise like crazy! So I guess what I want to know is what are some good fundraisers?

I know there's car wash and bake sales and stuff like that, but, have any other ideas?

Please and thankyou!




  1. Bartending , Exotic Dancer pretty fast cash. The other  thing I would suggest is to see if you can borrow the money from family members. Or if you have  okay credit see if you can borrow from a financial institution good luck.

    Don't let go of  your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You can earn Rs.25000 very month from internet. This is easy form filling jobs. Work less than 1 hr daily. No investment. Please visit the website .

  3. there is a lot of fund raisers that can raise you money fast but they do require a lot of work, one that worked very well for me was selling chocolate bars if you look on some of your favorite bars they usually have a web site or even info on fund raising just go check them out there is another way as well and if you check out this blog you will see how it can be done

  4. I hate to tell but yes it is a scam and a long standing one.

    It not a scam in the sense they provide a legitimate service doing what they promise.

    But it is a scam in that they are playing off your hopes and dreams.

    I guess not one out of a 100,000 people or more that go through those deals ever get an offer worth doing it. It is not worth the money.

    And most actors don't get their start that way.

    Do you think you are better than the 100,000 others?

    You might be better served looking in to local acting classes and volunteering at a local theater. You might even be able to get a part right away and learn a lot.

    Good Luck.  


  5. so your 14 and you need $8000.00 by January -(16 weeks)

    -thats $500.00 a week

    Most people work full time to earn that.

    Maybe 2010 if you start now

  6. Well, a great way that I make extra money is by doing online sites. They are all free to join.  

  7. Oh I know the perfect thing! try chacha it's an on line question thing. People ask questions on their phones then it's transmitted to your computer you answer the question and you get paid it's awesome! I use it all the time!

    click on become a guide the rest is easy!

    hope I helped!

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