
What is the best way to make money from internet in india?

by  |  earlier

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any indian




  1. You might try the Big Fish Games "My Game Space" program.  It works in India, and is free.

    When someone buys a game after following your link, or after visiting a free page you set up on their server, you earn 25% of the purchase price.  Plus the company remembers you referred that person and you get 25% of their future purchases, too.

    Basically you promote links to games, or the link to the free page you set up.  It's not hard to track how many people you've referred (and how much money you've made, once you start earning).  Might be an option for you...

  2. Don't fall for scams.

  3. Earn Thousands of Rupees by Investing Just Rs.140 in less than 10 days just visit:

  4. !!!!!!!!!

  5. Well, here is an option you may want to try.  GDI is opening up a new domain and you can register some popular websites.  It worked in the 90's and the net is growing.  I just started and I have already made $30 in a week.  I am telling everyone.  I do not believe the hype that this can bring in major money but check out the site and see for yourself.  Maybe it works for you maybe it doesn't.

  6. I think you can do what i do in India. I get paid to surf the net. No, really I'm serious. It's unbelievable but true, there is a company that pays people for just surfing the net, you don't have to buy, click on anything or fill out a survey. They simply collect money from companies like Google and Yahoo and pay it back to (you) it's members. Pretty cool, see what you think

    Hope this helps, good luck.

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