
What is the best way to memorize music?

by  |  earlier

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music as in playing a instrument...u knoo..notes? lol well i have 4 pages of music that i need to memorise...wuts the best way to?




  1. Take it one measure at a time: when you can fully play a measure perfectly and without looking at your sheet music, move on to the next and do exactly the same as before. Then play them together. Go back to the beginning to memorize the measure following the second one, etc.

    Don't move on to the next line until you've memorized the line before it. Don't do this all in one practice session. Soon you'll have all four pages memorized.

  2. Practice, practice, practice.  And don't always start from the beginning and run all the way through-- break up the sections and practice them individually, then start stringing them together.  When you're first running through it, then you'll need the music right in front of you.  Then try playing sections without looking at the music-- only look if you can't remember what's next.  Then start flipping the music over so you can't cheat and glance at it.  Good luck.

  3. There, unfortunately, is no "best" way--you wil hear various ideas and you just have to do what's best for you!!

    I have always found memorizing music to be easier when I know what else is going on in the music.  Especially since you play percussion, if you have a chance to hear the music a few times, you can put your part together with the melody/other parts better..that way you can hear what's going on.  This makes it much easier to anticipate what's coming up.  

    That being said, I know you might not have the luxury of being able to listen to the music several times.  When I have to memorize music, it helps me a lot to sing the music to myself, feeling the rhythms and the beat strongly, as well as to pay attention physically to what my fingers are doing.   I feel that muscle memory plays a huge role in memorization--this might be a big key for you, so think about it.  Good luck!!

  4. The same way that you memorize how to get from home to the grocery store.

  5. Just practice if your using an instrument it will be easier also saying them out loud while playing your instrument it will help alot

  6. practice it and memorize it in parts

    first memorize the first page

    then when you have that one, start the 2nd one

    its easier to memorize in chunks

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