
What is the best way to memorize something?

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I have to memorize cations and anions, solubility rules, strong acids, weak acids, and other stuff by Monday for AP Chemistry. I need to know some good tricks to help me memorize them. I already made flashcards and have been studying so don't tell me to get off the computer and study.

Also uhh to make this LGBT related:

What is one thing every g*y man or L*****n's wardrobe should have?




  1. To answer your second question it's a good pair of jeans.

    I am struggling to remember what cations and anions are...  good luck anyway

  2. dont know the the first ? but the second ? is they should have clothes and shoes. xD

  3. Mnemonics & Spelling Acronyms

    ... and blue jeans.

  4. My dad taught me a great trick for remembering things.  I'll never forget it.

    It was, erm, no, yeah, oh bugger.

    And I should think the answer to the next part is "sides and a door"

  5. Learning about these kinds of things is done pretty easily if you use flashcards, so keep it up.  Another great thing that I do is use outlines.  I make a topic and list the important facts in a bulleted list style.  For instance, you could have:



             *History (Who discovered it & when)


    Plus, you could make up cute little songs and acronyms and stuff like that!  For example: the most common elements in the human body are SPONCH!  Sulfur, phosphorus, etc.   And I remember anions are negative because it sounds kind of like onions, and onions smell and make you cry (very negative!).  It worked for me, I got an A-plus in my Chem class.

  6. The way I remember things is to write them down, seems like if I write things down I don't forget them.

    We should all have good shoes and nice shirts.  

  7. well it really depends on your style of memorizing some people are more visiual like looking a text book or notes/ flash cards.

    then people who have to lisen to it like putting it on you i-Pod and lisen to it over and over or to hear someone repeat it to them.

    also people who have to physically do something like walk around and say it to them self or to even look at one section of a word or phrase and think of that and relate it to a thing that reminds you of the word.

    and as for the 2nd one clothes like shoes, tee shirts, pants, pjs, and ect.

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