
What is the best way to move to a caribbean island and which one should i go to?

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i dont care what i do when i get ther i just want to be somewhere tropical and relaxing. i guess i need some connections with some people somewhere i just dont know how to get them but i know there has to be a way




  1. Dominican Republic = contact me on my e-mail OK?

  2. How are you going to work?  Do you speak the local language?  Have you ever even BEEN to a caribbean island?

    You need to visit some islands first, then make decisions from there...

  3. I was in St.Kitts and it was great

  4. Are you rich? If you are fine, if not you will  need to work.  It is very ificult to get a work visa to a foreign country.  If you are an Ameican citizen, you could live in Puerto Rico, or the  American Virgin Islands..and you would not need to worry about getting a work or residence visa.

  5. Your going to need a lot of money if your going to live a relaxed life in the Caribbean. Even if you did have connections it's not smart. I suggest going to Puerto Rico it's safer and more Americanized then other countries there.

    If Puerto Rico is not in your interest then you should go to Santo Dominigo Dominican Republic, or Santiago Dominican Republic. Other cities are many rural or just unsafe.

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