
What is the best way to not forget books at school?

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i am always forgetting books in my locker and i need to stop. the janitors are getting angry for letting me in. its been 8 times and i HAVE TO stop. i only have 5 minutes to pack and get to my bus so as you can tell...there is no time for going through my binder and reading my assignment book. i need help and i need it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. thankx!




  1. get a magnet white board and after each class write down what you will need to take home for that class at the end of the day make sure that you have that stuff with you.

  2. make a quick checklist

  3. write the books you need on your hand or your arm

  4. Hey! ive tried this before and it worked PERFECTLY:

    Get a dry-erase board to hang up in your locker.  Then, inbetween classes(while your putting your books away and getting the new ones) you make a list on the dry-erase then..during your 5 min. that you have before your can just quickly glance up at the dry-erase board...and pack all your books and be off..Hope I Helped! :]

  5. the only answer is for you to be more responsible and stop forgetting your stuff, because your causing this problem.

    or get a backpack and stop leaving books in your locker

  6. If you have an agenda bring it home everyday. Kepp it organized and clean. Put it in your locker so that everytime (in between periods) you visit it, it will remind you to take all your books home.

    You can also easily keep a stick-it in your locker or desk.

  7. try sticky  notes or n e thin dat'll help u remember : HEY U HAV BOOKS 2 TAKE HOME SO GO GET EM NOW B4 U HAV 2 ONCE AGAIN ASK THE JANITOR 2 LET U IN! GO NOW RETRIEVE THOSE BOOKS!!!

    hope i could help =P

  8. I say either carry your books around with you OR if there are too many books in the locker try to put a rubber band around all the books. So when you take a book you put another book back within the rubber band. So at the end of the day you just grab the books all at once without even thinking.  

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