
What is the best way to optimize my site?

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What is the best way to optimize my site?




  1. 1) Opt for CSS rather than tables for the layout

    ----Instead of using tables for the entire layout, use CSS for the layout and presentation of the site. Using DIVs will allow you to forego the use of tables, which have to be rendered cell by cell (meaning that if you put all the tables in the site inside of one big table, you have to wait for all the tables to load in order to see the page). Using divs, you also have the ability to move graphics and text on top of each other and such, where as with tables you cannot do that.

    2) Optimize the graphics for the web

    ----Make your files into JPEG, PNG or GIF (I prefer PNG). Then use either Photoshop ($600) or Photofiltre (free) to resize the images (Edit-Image Size). This will help in that your images will be fitted smaller naturally, instead of having to resize them via the <font> element, which takes up time and resources and makes your webpage load slower as the browser has to do more work.

    3) Opt for XHTML 4.01 strict as per W3C conventions

    ----Use the W3C Validator to make sure that your code is up to strict standards. I find that the fastest of these is the XHTML 4.01 Strict DTD standard. Not only does it render fast, but it also allows you to create beautiful designs without much worry about cross browser compatibility, as strict DTD is compatible with the majority web browsers. Make sure to define the DOCTYPE on top of each page as well as the xmlns in the HTML elements!!!

    If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at

    -Juan L. Sanchez, Freelance Web Designer (still beta for client)

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