
What is the best way to pack a suitcase to avoid wrinkled clothes?

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Rolling, folding or just shove it all in? What is the best way to pack my suitcase to avoid getting wrinkled clothes at the other end!??





  1. WEll to tell you the truth.

    You should put some sand between the clothes.

    That way they aren't wrinkled and the sand does preserve color too.

    The soft beads of the sand rubbing against the fabric of your clothes will prevent any wrinkles from forming.

    Good Luck Packer.

  2. I roll.

  3. I usually plan on doing a touch up after I arrive, but the method I have used is to put the clothes on drip dry hangers and have them to the outside of the suitcase (soft side that fits in overheads).  so I set the clothes in first and arrange so that they will fold back once when the suitcase is closed.  Then I put the shaving kit, socks and shorts, etc. on top (in the middle) and fold the hanger stuff over before zipping it up.  I've had pretty good luck with that.

  4. I have had success by leaving clothes in the plasic supplied by dry cleaners. Also tissue paper helps to prevent wrinkles if used properly.

  5. I have found that rolling does wonders. Especially if your suitcase is really full. It keeps the clothes from moving around too much which would set in wrinkles. Especially when you are flying, your suitcase gets turned every which-way and, let's face it, gets thrown around quite a bit. Folded clothes tend to shift and slide around which will leave them wrinkled. Shoving it all in starts you out with wrinkles before you even leave, so I don't recommend it. My two tips are roll and make sure your suitcase is full enough things won't move too much. Have fun on your travels!

  6. i would go with rolling them.

    you can also fit more in your suitcase by doing that.

  7. fold them properly. put all the shirts and jeans then ur underclothes


  9. fold and iron them

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