
What is the best way to pack my clothes in a large suitcase?

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I am leaving for a one month vacay and I have a large suitcase. Shoes are not an issue. I would just like to know what is the best way to make the most room in my suitcase so I only have to take one. In my suitcase I plan on packing jeans, pants, shorts, a lot of shirts, and of course the daily essentials. I am travelling by car and I don't want to have to use a box for my clothes. Thanks!




  1. roll everything. prevents creases. if you have shoes in there stuff them with sock and knickers will save a little space. make sure all the heavy stuff is at the bottom. anything liquidy put in sealed bags i.e shampoo. you dont want them opening and covering your cloths in coconut scented splat.

    anything fragile or breakable shud be wrapped in tshirts etc etc

    if your suitcase has pockets then use them it will save you space alot of space. dont take anything you really really really dont need. that extra hairbrush.....its not needed one hairbrush is as gud as the other i take it you dont plan on using both hairbrushs at the same time. no ones that clever

    dont force your suitcase shut. it will burst open and everyone will see your leopard print thong. also dont forget most importantly make sure you leave a name tag and address on your suitcase other wise when you leave it outside of mcdonalds by accident you wont get it back and wearing the same cloths for a month isnt exactly the best idea ever

    hope that helps

  2. Put the heavier items in the bottom so your suitcase won't do a back flip every time it is put on a conveyer belt. What ever you do, do not have someone sit on it to get it closed. If you do, you are begging to have your suitcase pop open and your belongings scattered from here to Kalamazoo. Most damaged bags are the ones that have been over stuffed.

  3. Roll them up, b/c u can get more in and stack them.

  4. As people have said, rolling them keeps them more wrinkle-free and makes packing efficient.

    However, if space really is an issue, I always use these compression bags; you put in the clothes and roll the air out of them.  It creates more room.

  5. fold them us u usualy do but really squash it down!!!

    i travel to and from los angeles all the time so its essential for me to have small ammounts of baggage!

    to be honest, it would be easier for you to take TWO smaller cases, that way its not as heavy for you to lift!

    but if thats not a prob, just get somebody to sit on your case while you zip it up! this helps

    xxxx good luck & have fun!

  6. Roll your stuff, it saves room and prevents wrinkles better too.

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