
What is the best way to persuade a fat person to lose weight?

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What is the best way to persuade a fat person to lose weight?




  1. It is no use. "We are proud people and will not assimilate!!" Oops, did I steal that quote from a Radical Islamic? Anyway, it is no use, we like food too much.

  2. try offering to buy them a whole new wardrobe. :)

  3. Tell them they will have heart and liver problems when they are 30, failure of major organs by their 40's and die by the time they reach 50. Or just say that if they lose weight you won't call them fatty anymore. (Only works if you call them fatty a lot)

  4. I have a friend who is obese and I'm a little overweight(4-5kg) so I decided rather than nag her about the issue that we should go exercise together and talk more about what we eat and join forces so to speak, it is working as my friend has lost 19kg in 4 months so I suggest you HELP to motivate your friend! My friend is going for our walk everyday whether I can go now or not so it has worked and I'm so happy that my friend has found her own way with a little motivation from her best friend, me! GOOD LUCK

  5. Tell them they are at risk of getting diabetes, or even worse . . .  have heart problems!

    Lastly... tell them people will treat them differently (nicer) if they are slimmer.

  6. Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It's actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.

    * Be in right frame of mind

    * Eat whole food

    * Eat fresh fruit

    * Drink enough water

    * Always chew your food

    * Take small meals

    * Include protein at meal

    * Shut off TV while eating

    * Increase your physical activity

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

  7. Tell them all the health risks.  That they won't get to see their family grow up.  

    I found some great fat burning tips from the site .  There are tips form the top fitness trainers.  There are also some good downloadable free ebooks.  The truth about abs and your six pack quest are also good programs that friends of mine used.  They really give you what you need to lose the fat without losing muscle.

  8. first of all calling someone fat is rude in not a right way to approach the subject if you are concerned you may tell them you are concerned and ask them to work out with you and if there being over weight embarrass you than you have the problem not them you also got to look at there health there might be a reason that they are over weight

  9. Tell them they are fat.

  10. Have them jog behind an ice cream truck

    or tell them drink lots of several small meals throughout the yday ( before 6pm ) and if that doens work try the Lil Jack workout

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