
What is the best way to practice and develop a side kick?

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I have been doing tae kwon do for a few months now, and the thing I have most trouble with so far is my side kick. So I'm wondering, how can I best practice this? Should I practice the kick over and over? Stretch? Is there a strength excercise for my legs?




  1. The side kick is usually the one kick that most people have trouble learning since its a different movement than the front kick or roundhouse kick or any others that you might learn in the first few months, so don't get discouraged if you're having some trouble.

    Remember that the side kick isn't a whipping motion, its more like a piston. Once you turn your body sideways and chamber your leg you just shoot it straight out and bring it straight back.

    Just practice over and over and over again, and make sure there's an instructor who can correct your technique while you're practicing. Getting kicks down is all repetition, simple as that.

  2. It depends on what your trouble is.  is it getting power? is it accuracy?  is it recovering your balance after the kick?

    You really should have a qualified teacher help you, but at least answering those questions should aim you in the right direction.

    And stretching always helps.  Even if you are kicking to the chest, if you can kick the head, it's that much easier to get to the chest.

  3. I would definatly stretch your groin before doing a sidekick.  Other than that I would start out low and work your way up and don't be afraid to hold onto something such as a chair.  Over time you will get better with this kick just continue to practice.

  4. A good side kick requires balance, flexibility, and good form.  Doing things slowly can work wonders for you in terms of form and conditioning.  Try practicing the side kick slowly, and holding it there for a few seconds.  Its very tiring at first, but you will slowly develop better form, balance, and strength.  Repetition is very important.  The other kicks, will also help your overall flexibility and strength.  Kicking a punching bag/ kicking pad will help too.  Good luck, and be patient with yourself!

  5. working on your straddle will help with the flexability needed for a side kick.

    turning on and off light switched opening doors turning things on and off with your feet will give you stability needed to have accuracy.

    kicking stuff will give you muscle memory.


    practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect, make sure your kicking the right way every time so you dont learn bad habbits

  6. kick stuff........sideways.

    trust me this always works.

  7. Well, what's wrong with the kick? If it's weak then do squats and work your legs out. If it's too low then stretch. Be careful and patient with stretching. It takes time. If your technique is bad then go through the kick slowly, find what you're doing wrong, and fix it. A problem a lot of people have is not pivoting their base leg. Make sure you pivot and rotate your hips with your kicks.

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