
What is the best way to practice for volleyball tryouts in high school?

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What is the best way to practice for volleyball tryouts in high school?




  1. Right now, since season is still a while off, it is best to condition. I would run daily (1.5-2 miles) and lift weights. Trust me, you will see a big improvement. I would focus more on your upper body strength if you're a hitter or setter. If you're a DS then quick, sprinting drills will be good. Also, get your footwork down so you don't have to think about it later.

    Also, if you have played volleyball before and know the basics, I would just do game like situations. grab a bunch of friends (who know how to play) and go to the gym and join a pick up game. Take it seriously and always do your best to do the correct form and technique.

    Just don't wear yourself out. change up your work out routine so you don't get bored.

    Good Luck :)

  2. practice everything. Passing, setting, hitting, and serving. Practice serving hard and to spots. Serves are very important to get over. If you have friends trying out get with them and practice with each other. Go running and do sprints, run stairs, do lunges for strong thighs to help you jump higher and be quicker.. Strong abs will help you hit harder because you need a strong core not just strong arms. Go lifting and do pushups to get stronger arms. Also practice jumping at the net as if you were blocking. Do your approach to the net or to a wall. if you put tape on your hand and do your approach to the wall then stick the tape like hitting the ball you can see you high your jumping and work to improve that. Overall just get in shape. If there are camps you can sign up for, do it! they will help you practice so much! EAt healthy and wear ankle braces if needed. I sprained my ankle over the summer practicing for tryouts and it almost ruined all that i had worked for! Good Luck!

  3. get the fundamentals down.

    practice setting and passing to yourself.  hit a volleyball against the wall as if you are spiking.  just get to where you are comfortable handling a volleyball.

    and it helps to be in shape.  volleyball is a quick sport and if you get into long volleys, endurance is key.

    and dont freak out.  relax and play your game.  try hard and show you are willing to be coached and take criticism.  coaches love coachable players.

  4. go out and have fun.

  5. hey I just did my high school volleyball try outs and i have been practicing, setting the ball and digging it these are the basic two shots you use, also practice serving the ball, if you dont know how to do these check out this website

  6. you should mainly work out im getting ready for high school tryouts too what i do is lift weights daily, run a mile everyday, and a do some drills like having my little sis throw the ball and i pass it back, i go to the volleyball courts at my school and practice serving, and hit it agains the wall and keep hitting back

    hope i help

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