
What is the best way to present(hand-in) an essay?

by Guest56427  |  earlier

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I have a lot of essays to write in English for my Qualification Folio. I was just wondering how I should be handing this in? I searched google and it said you shouldnt use pins or staples as these can b a health hazard. Please, serious answers only! Thanks in advance =]




  1. put them in a report cover that can hold it all together but is easy to remove the sliding thingy thats holds all the papers

  2. As teachers, we absolutely hate report covers, plastic coverings, cases, fancy paper, etc.  Don't use anything flashy.  And we actually do prefer that your papers are stapled.  Always!

    Follow the directions your teacher has given you, i.e., whether to use MLA or APA.  If you need a cover page (like for APA) make one according to the rules, and if you don't need one (like for MLA), use the proper heading on the first page of the essay.  All you need to submit is the typed paper itself - nothing more and nothing less.  If your teacher requires rough drafts or outlines, don't forget to give those too!  But think about it this way, flashy covers, plastics, designs, fonts, etc. only distract us and make reading your work more annoying. Additionally, you won't get a better grade because your paper is simply prettier than someone else's.  Be neat, and just don't turn in a crumbled paper that looks like your dog chewed on it.  You'll be fine if you do this.  

  3. All throughout school, undergrad, and grad, I simply stapled the papers together. If it were too thick to staple, if I were handing in some type of manual then I go to Kinko's to have it bound. Unless they specify it should be presented in some sort of way I would simply go with staples. Professors, instructors, and teachers have told me this through the years.

    Think about it, would you want to carry around all of that c**p? Simplicity can be underrated sometimes.

  4. MLA format is one teachers love to have their papers presented nicely...and make sure wits clean with no stains and no wrinkles

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