
What is the best way to preserve a can?

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My sister is a HUGE Monty Python fan. I bought her a special edition can of Spam with the Monty Python theme on it. When I tried to bring it from the UK to the US I was almost arrested in customs!! (Spam is considered a meat import!! Go figure!!) ( Is spam really meat anyway?)

Anyway..after searching once more I have found another can. I now know to remove the spam meat from the can, now I want to preserve the can from rusting. Any suggestions?




  1. Clean it and spray it with warnish or other incolor lacquer

  2. You could use a clear varnish inside and out that might work. Where did you get it from? My brothers been after one of them for ages.

  3. Put it in a freezer.

  4. I didn't think cans rusted these days!

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