
What is the best way to prevent/get rid of water stuck in your ear as a result of swimming?

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I am currently using auro-dri liquid that I drop into my ears after I swim but does anyone know of any better ways?




  1. maybe wear ear plugs but idk cuz i cant even swim

  2. i think you should put some thing that obsorbs water in your ears for a little while after you swim... idk how to prevent it...

  3. When you get out of the water, shake your head. That's what I do, and it seems to work.

  4. there is  always Swimmers ear drops


    you can put several small drops of rubbing alcohol in the ear.


    you can put peroxide in the ear

    prevention is the best method, they have some clear shapable puddy like ear plugs in the sporting goods section at wal mart

  5. Ear plugs are great for when you are in the water. I use the auro-dri drops as well and they work well for me, but if that doesn't seem to be doing the trick try shaking your head out or laying down on your side. The water will eventually drip out. HTH

  6. I dont khow how to prevent it, except with an ear plug.

    But what if a Shark comes up behind you, with your ears plugged you are a dead duck, woud you not like to hear it comming? at least you would have a fighting chance ha!ha!

    If when you swim you get water in your ear, stand on one foot,

    that is the foot that corresponds to the ear that have in the water. Now lean your head as far as is possible to the left if the water is in your left ear, now jump on the single foot(left foot) several times, do not jump like an athlete that lands on the ball of the feet. You must jump and land with a slight jolt flat footed.Hold on to your ankle for balance, with the palm of your left hand thump the left side of your head as you jump.

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