I am considering moving out of my house (I am a second year college student) and having about 3 other people living with me. I was always taught that it is not wise to rent out a living space b/c you will be throwing away your money and to instead look into something that you will be putting money into to own. So I was looking online and noticed that there are different options to search for: homes for sale, new homes, and forclosures. What is the difference between buying a forclosure and a regular house on the market? And is it practical for a college student to look for a home to pay for instead of rent out if that may not be your permanent living situation for more than 2 years (because of possibly transfering to a school far away)? Any tips for college students trying to move out w/ a friend or a small group of people to make a household? Also can anyone give me an idea about how much monthly bills are (water, electric, etc.) for a four person household? THANKS!!