
What is the best way to quit?

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At my current occupation, I am in a leadership position, I have butt heads with my superior, they love to micro manage. I have communicated to this individual numerous times I was hired based on my expertise. It was brought to my attention that my communication skills were lacking, so I decided on the current project we are working to be more proactive. What has transpired is when I send communication requests out to receive clarification and guidance I found that my superior has felt the need to not respond to my emails in a timely manner (e.g. 3 days later) which affects me doing my job. I am starting to feel frustrated as I feel I am being told one thing like I should be more of a leader but when I do take the initiative is immediately dumb down to be controlled. So I am trying to decide what is best but find it hard as I would like a reference but feel the environmenrt is toxic. any suggestions???




  1. First dont leave a job until you have another. Second being you are in a major role you need to give at least two weeks notice if not 4 weeks but no more then that. In the letter include your name, your address,company name, company address. Write I am here by giving notice of my resignation. My last day will be ? but dont put no more then that.This makes for a short and to the point letter.  You dont have to tell them why you are leaving but another job would be okay . Also dont get smart with them and be appreciative of them for the time they let you work for them. Some companies require you to have an exit interview. In this dont say anything but postitive things about the company even if you dont want to and make sure you thank them for the opportunity to have worked for such a great company. Serve your last 2 to 4 weeks just as you would if you were not leaving.

    One thing to consider if you give your notice they may let you go right away and still give a bad reference.

    The only one that can make this call is you.

    Ask yourself this are you happy? If not are you stressed? Is this affecting your job/life in a negative way?

    I say if you are writting this question you are not happy. I myself would probably go ahead and leave this job. To be stresed over a job is not worth it at all but you should not listen to me.

    Listen to Yourself.

    Good Luck

  2. If you quit, you should give two weeks notice and work out the rest of your time.  You don't have to give them a reason, but you can cite a difference of work ethic if they ask why.  Or in order to salvage the reference, you can lie (or tell the truth if it's true?) and say you simply want to do something else.  As it stands, it remains unclear as to whether or not you would get a reference regardless of if you left now or later (lack of details).

    I left my job recently as a stellar employee.  They loved me and didn't want me to go.  I actually gave them two weeks notice, but I immediately decided that I'm not really interested in having them as a reference since I wouldn't be staying in that particular field any longer, so I just told them I changed my mind and that I was done that day.  I can do that, though, because I have an outstanding reference in the same field, same company, just a different location that I worked at for a longer time -- in case I do need a reference.

    You may not have that, or may wish to stay in your field, or even the same company, different location.  Bottom line is, if you've worked there for longer than a year, then you should probably salvage the reference.  If you've worked less than a year, but wish to stay in your field/company/etc, then you should probably salvage the reference.  Otherwise, I'd probably tell your boss to back up off my kool-aid and let me do my d**n job.  :p

  3. I would not quit for that reason, but, if you feel it is a must. Search and find another job then quit. You can give them a two weeks notice as a courtesy, but its not totally necessary.

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