
What is the best way to quit smoking cold turkey?

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is there any special food (other than rx items) to help you quit? I heard cinnamon toothpaste. Is there any truth in that? And when is the best time to start




  1. It’s no secret to anyone that the pharmaceutical industry profits millions of dollars off our ailments. But I am fortunate to be residing in a country where plants and herbs are used as an effective alternative medicine for almost no cost, if not for free! So I decided to take the secrets of this ancient knowledge used to this very day and share it with the world for the benefit of one and all! No more hidden side effects for my family and me.

  2. Cold turkey just isn't the answer for everyone.  If you find 'cold turkey' too hard then accept thats ok.  Instead the following can work very well.  Accept that you want to give up.  Next craving.. allow yourself to indulge but just smoke 'half' your usual intake.  Next craving.. don't have any.  Next craving have 'half' the usual intake etc and keep this up for the first day.  Next day.. you should be able to follow the same process but 'half' the intake again.  Over a period of a week you should be well on the way to weaning yourself off.. cravings way less with the body accepting a couple of puffs.  You may find over the next few days that 'yuk',  you don't even want the stuff anymore and the thought and smell just turns you right off.  This actually worked for me many years ago when i wanted to stop smoking that 'green' stuff.  Within 10 days i didnt even like it anymore.  I never achieved this by going cold turkey tho.  When i told myself i 'couldnt' have.. i wanted it all the more.  If you can relate to that then try the other way.

  3. it is mind over matter i quit April 12Th 2008 cold turkey after 35 years of smoking up to 4 packs a day. i got up one morning started coughing for about 1 hour so i quit have not had a smoke since. i also have lost 20 lbs. i have 1 nerve left ,. so no trick you just have to quit

  4. the best way to stop smoking is.

    throw the c**p away

  5. do you know how much a pack costs now? maybe you should think about how much money you could save and what you could buy with that money. i'm not trying to be rude, smoking is really hard to let go...but think of the money! I think it's all mentally really, you should think about your health as well. Think about a potentially new you-without cigarettes!

  6. Start dipping.


    I recommend Copenhagen.


  7. exercise.Walk,run or bike.

  8. I did it cold turkey about 25 years ago.  It was hard but I had a plan.  I used quilting to keep my hands busy so that I had something to do with them all the time.  I made an entire quilt in a week. The first 3 days were the hardest and the 4th morning, when cigarettes were NOT the first thing I thought about, i knew I had it licked.  It may have been the 2nd thing I thought of, but it was not the first !LOL  I also nibbled on sunflower seeds and did a lot of cleaning and rearranging the house for that first month.  Basically anything to keep myself occupied.  My husband did it too, but not till about 5 years later.  His thing was snacks.  I bought him a bunch of small amounts of snacks from the grocery store that had those bins of bulk snacks.  i got soy snacks, and different candies, dried fruits, etc.  but each was bagged separately so when he needed something to keep his mind of smoking, it took forever to unwrap a snack, check it out, nibble on a few pieces, close it up, select another and do it all over again.  It really worked for him.  i also took up crocheting but I bet anything to keep your hands busy would do.

  9. cinnamon the herb has a tobaco deterant..the toothpaste has no cinnamon in it ..just artificial flavoring use cinnamon sticks as cigs in your hand

  10. I smoked for a very long time. Quit once for four years with accupuncture. Problem is that there are few capable practicioners who are reliable for cessation of nicotine even though they all say they are successful. Evelyn Wright in San Francisco I can recommend. Have Quit now for three years, yes again, with laser accupuncture. Painless. About 45 min treatment. Walked out feeling like I had never been a smoker. That would be Mark Costello in Littleton, CO. Hypnosis can at times work well.

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