
What is the best way to reach my weight loss goal with working out and dieting?

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I weigh 293. I started weight training 2 weeks ago. So far, I only work my chest and arms. I would like weight lifting exercises that will increase mobility and circulation in my legs. I'm basically new at this and I want to lose the weight but I also want to do a little more than just tone. I've lost ten pounds since I've combined the diet and exercise at the first of July. My doctor says in my case, losing a substantial amount of weight in a relatively quick time outweighs the current danger I'm putting my body in. I would like to lose as much as possible in three months. And yes, we know the dangers of quick loss but I'm on a ton of medications and need quick results.

I'm 47 years old. I've been lifting for 2 weeks, but I've been doing between 1 and 2 miles a day, 6 days a week on treadmill at a fast pace for 2 months now, but no running yet because it's too painful. I'm disappointed in the 10 pound loss because I've been on 1200 calories a day since July 8th. Any suggestions? Thanks!.




  1. When  losing  weight,  you should follow the dual course: exercise and

    diet  together.  If  you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger

    appetite,  which  will  lead  to  increase  of  weight, or muscle grow

    underneath  the  fat  layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without

    exercising,  you  will  become  flabby  and will have excess skin. For

    diet,  go  wheat  free.  No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food

    after  7  p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on

    your  initial  weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If

    you  don't  eat  wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey

    cakes,  you  don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your

    diet  is  still  balanced.  It  costs  nothing, and you do not have to

    calculate  points  or  to  buy special meals or plans. For exercising,

    start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the

    most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a

    lot,  walk  first  or you may have health complications (heart attack,

    disjointed  bones and so on) For targeting your problem areas, check up

    these  Workout  Exercises  :  Weight Training, Plyometrics , Stretches

    (Flexibility),  Pilates,  Ball, Cardio Dumbbells, Cables etc. 100's Of

    Exercises.  They  have animated photos, so it's easy to understand how

    to do them.

  2. to get started no soda drink a gallon of water a day spring or distill no tap water!! or crystal light for your meals.

    Breakfast eat 3 egg whites or oatmeal and a fruit.

    Lunch eat a grilled chicken breast vegetables with light oil 1 teaspoon  and a fruit.

    Dinner eat a tuna or chicken salad / grilled or broil chicken breast with Mrs. Dash on it and a small cut of vegetables and a fruit.

    no eating after 7pm !!

    do 250 sit-ups in the morning and 250 sit-ups before bed.

    Do leg squats against the wall 3 sets of 20 once every other day.

    Walk for 30 minutes twice a day or jog in the house for 30 minutes if the weather is bad out.

    Try this for 3weeks and see the difference only if you really want to loose weight.

    Good luck:



    If your looking for the ultimate ab routine, this is the routine that will help give you the six or eight pack that your looking for.

    Items Needed

    The following items needed for this routine include an ab roller and preferably ten minutes a day.


    First lay flat on the floor with your head on the head rest of the ab roller, then slowly semi crunch for 300 reps.

    Then you will put your feat straight up in the air with your lower back laying flat on the floor, with your head still positioned on the head rest of the ab roller.

    While positioned this way you will then proceed to do 300 reps which will work the lower abs.

    You will then turn on your right side with your head still positioned on the head rest of the ab roller and do 300 reps. Then you will lay on your opposite side repeating the process you have performed on your right side, repeating the same amount of reps.

    You will need to do this every day for a total of ten minutes a day for about six to eight weeks.


    Remember to consult a doctor before trying this workout routine or any other workout routine on

    Good luck:




  3. Abs exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolism and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main secret revealed in the'Truth about Six Pack Abs Program'.

    In no time, you will be eating smarter and looking leaner. 'The Truth about Six Pack Abs' eBook will show you how to get lean and stay lean for life. This eBook is the complete solution for life-long results.

    For, More Information, visit this site

  4. Losing weight does not need to be an unreachable goal. Thanks to technological breakthroughs in medicine and the field of weight management, it is easier now to achieve the weight you are yearning for. All that you need to do is to find a product in the market that can provide safe and natural weight loss experience. One diet product that is getting popular on the Internet is Phenocal. Although there are people who are saying that Phenocal is effective, it is best to see what makes this supplement a popular choice among weight loss supplements.

  5. The faster you lose the weight, the less likely you are to keep the weight off.  Your body is in starvation mode and is trying to conserve calories.  I don't know how many calories you need since I don't know your height or metabolism, but 1200 calories is definitely too little for a male and will put you into starvation mode.

    If this diet was designed by your doctor, then he/she may be well-meaning, but the advice he/she is giving you is counterproductive in the long run.  The manner in which we lose weight is an indiactor of how likely we are to keep the weight off.

    You have to get your body out of starvation mode.  On the Curves program, you would actually be advised to gain a few pounds to boost your metabolism.  I am also guessing that your diet is a low-fat diet.  Very few people know this, but fat is essential in metabolism.  The mitochondria in our cells need fat to burn energy.  Fat also aids in the motility of food.  On a low fat diet, you lose weight initially, but your body will resist losing pounds as you go along.  Read "The Fat Fallacy" by Will Clower.

  6. Your body is in starvation mode that is why it is resisting burning fat. One thing I have learned about doctors.. when it comes to nutrition or addictions counseling, they are basically clueless. At 293 lbs you cana chieve dramatic weight loss on 2100 calories per day. Eat six meals/snacks of 350 calories or have three higher calorie meals and three lighter snacks.

    Also keep in mind that people that can gain the kid of weight you have are usually endomorphs. An endomorph can gain muscle easily as well. You may very well gain a half pound of muscle (or more) for every pound of fat you lose. This will make the scale weight seem to crawl downward but you are lowering your bodyfat percentage dramatically this way.

    Do yourself a favor if you are serious about saving your life and getting off the meds. See a nutirionist and get your boyfat level taken. Once per month, have your progress checked. Your goal has to be to kick start your metabolism. You are off to a good start except for the low calorie diet. That is ultimately going to defeat you if you don't change it.

  7. There are more tips and info.

    How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years.

    Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it's how much food. Some say it's how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture.

    How to lose weight naturally is not rocket science. It just takes accepting the facts of these seven natural laws of weight loss, plus good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.

    Seven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally

    1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes.

    2. Start from a foundation of happiness.

    3. Design your own healthy diet plan.

    4. Manage your emotions.

    5. Find a way to exercise daily.

    6. Keep a Journal.

    7. Be persistent.

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

  8. Three steps that have really helped me are dieting, exercising, and the correct weight loss supplement for losing weight. Focus on those three things and you will lose weight considerably. I exercise 30 mins a day along with taking Proactol, a natural weight loss supplement that I saved money on at

    Good luck and stay focused = )

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