
What is the best way to reduce the inflamation size of a spot/zit?

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It looks like ive been punched in the face.




  1. for a quick fix try toothpaste it's got something in it that helps but put it on before you go to bed

  2. Yogurt!! It cools down the area so the redness and swelling decreases!  

  3. your best bet is to dry it out...

    you can use many treatments including

    1. hold an ice cube on it for a couple of mins

    2. put toothpaste on it overnight

    3. use a strong soap (i use dove)

    4. dont put any moisturiser/oil on in untill its swelled down

    5. dap some lemon juice on it (this may sting but it works)

    6. wash your face as often as you can

    7. exfoiliate!! even using a flannel will help open the pores, making it fo faster

    8. dont dry face with towell, let it dry naturally.

    good luck

  4. its not really a way of reducing the spot but a good way to prevent it is oxytetracyclene and panoxyl. One is a cream and the other is a mild antibiotic. Your doctor will be able to prescribe you this. I used to suffer really badly from acne but since I have been using this combination you wouldnt know I ever had a spot in my life

  5. Hold a hot washcloth on it..

  6. COLGATE! (seriously)

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