I got my license 6 months ago and I was never afraid of driving--until the second time I drove somewhere by myself. This was when I suddenly became very panicky and nervous. It wasn't a full blown panic attack but I was suddenly very nervous and uncomfortable. The only thing I wanted to do was stop driving and get out of the car. Of course I was far from home so I was forced to continue to drive in fear.
Ever since that one event (six months ago), I have not been able to drive a car without worrying that it will happen again. Thus, I have barely driven at all. I've only driven alone a few other times since then. The thing is I'm not really afraid of driving for the reason most people are (fear of accidents, etc), I'm paradoxically afraid of driving because I'm afraid I will become scared again.
I know that the most important thing to do on the road is focus, and I'm worried that I'll become so afraid I won't be able to focus and I won't be able to do anything about it because I will be alone in the car and have to--nevertheless--drive to my final destination.
Its basically me overthinking everything--If I could somehow get these negative thoughts out of my mind and relax I think I would be fine. I used to drive long distances with no problem.
Can anyone help me with perhaps techniques to relax while I'm in the car? Or anything that has worked for someone with a fear of driving? Any ideas?