
What is the best way to remove a tick?

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What is the best way to remove a tick?




  1. The best way I found is to take a cigerett light it and touch it to the tick and it lets go fast.  Works evertime.  If your a none smoker just find some one who is and ask them to touch the hot end of the cigrett to the tick, if you never have smoked please don't start now.


  3. The answer is pluck it. To avoid the tick releasing its germs into your body, remove it without bothering it.  

  4. use tweezers and pull it off slowly from the body NOT by the sack of blood on the back!!  this way you take out the hole tick and prevent infection.  

    hope i could help

  5. DO NOT kill it on ur skin because it sucks ur blood and while it dies it will release all its poison take tweezers and gently take it off without crushing it and when its off do what ever you want to torture it =D hope i helped

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