
What is the best way to remove glued on mirrors from a mobile home (trailer) wall?

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Each mirror measures about 2 ft wide and 4 ft tall. I have 6 I want to remove.




  1. Heavy duty fishing line, or piano wire will do the trick.  I've done this a number of times, while providing warranty service on new mobile homes.

    Simply take a length of line/wire, and wrap it around a 'handle' of some sort... screwdrivers for example.  Then 'saw' back and forth with it, to gut the glue behind the mirror.  Don't just wrap it around your fingers, hehehe, you'll get cut that way.  It may take a few minutes, if there is a lot of glue behind the mirror, but this will definitely work.  A guitar string will even do the trick, if you've got one handy.  (A wire wrapped guitar string works pretty well)

    This method usually leaves some glue on the wall, which can be cleaned up after the mirrors are removed.

    By the way... wear gloves... those mirror edges can be sharp, hehe.

    Another method I've used when the mirror is shattered, is to cut out the drywall around the mirror.  This can be a problem, if your dryall is the vinyl coated type, you'd need to replace the whole sheet, between the battens.  (I've had a few cases where a mirror was shattered during transport.. but it was still glued to the wall.  Rather than trying to pull each little piece off the wall, it was faster to remove the drywall behind it)

    Have Fun

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