
What is the best way to remove large roots?

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I just started digging my horseshoe pit in a house I am renting. The area that I am digging at looked to be vacant of any type of plants; but as soon as I start digging, BAM!! Roots everywhere! I am talking 2-3 inches thick. I believe that there must have been some palm trees planted there since there is a 6 inch stump as well (underground). I only need to go down about 6-8inches deep. Thanks for any suggestions!




  1. Palm trees have a fibrous round and not a tap-root..which is the difficult one..try and do as the above postee suggested..if that's not any good,you might have to get a stump-grinder..Best to get a free quote from a local tree-surgeon.Good Luck.

  2. get the large roots and tie them to a rope and tie the rope to the hitch of a truck and pull them out worked good for me and a fast way

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