
What is the best way to remove old wallpaper?

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I've had the same wallpaper for about 20 years. I tried to take it off by just peeling it but not all of it is coming off. any ideas?




  1.   Hi,

    Go to one of those stores where they rent  things out to you and ask them for a steamer for removing old wallpaper. you steam a section then take a scrapper or large putty knife and start lifting it.

       It takes some time but does a great job, at the store they will probably give you all the instructions you need.

       If you plan on painting make sure you wash off every bit of glue on that wall or the paint will not  stick.   Good luck :)

  2. A steamer usually works well.  If the top layer is vinyl, you can peel that off first while dry.  It usually comes off pretty easy.  The under paper, the glue and actual paper part is what's hard.

    If you can't get a steamer or don't have the access, you can try TSP (the powdered kind, NOT the liquid substitute c**p they sell now days) in hot water.  Be sure wear gloves.  Wipe or spray it on, the hotter the better.  Let it soak a few minutes then scrape off with a wide putty knife.

    TSP rocks; it cleans and dissolves.  I use it for all my redo projects.  Be careful though, it will dull the shine on things like hardwood floors or paint so if it's an area you are not redoing, protect it with a water proof drop cloth.  Be sure to rinse!!

  3. Mix some vinegar with hot water in a spray bottle, spray it on the glued layer of old wallpaper and let it sit for a little while.  Scrape it off with a good scraper.  The vinegar helps dissolve the glue.

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