
What is the best way to remove plastic from an oven eye?

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I accidentally set a peice of tupperware on a hot oven melted onto it? How can i get it off? It dried and now it's all hard. I am too afraid to relight the eye to get it melty again It will smell horrible, and may catch a fire? Please help.




  1. What is an oven eye?  I've never heard of it.  

  2. my kid was playing with some new tupperware i had, she put it all on the racks in the oven like a table, then closed the door when she was done playing (when she heard me coming!).  i later turned on the oven.  couldn't figure out where the weird smell was coming from til i noticed smoke coming up from the back burner.  by this point i could only tell what was in the oven by the color of the puddles on the bottom and the fact that the tupperware box had been opened.  i tell you this story to tell you i am an expert in removing tupperware plastic from the stove.

    do not get it hot again, make sure it is cool.  it will chip away rather easily.  i tried to clean it while it was hot and you're just askin for a wicked burn.  i gave up and cleaned it the next morning and it came right off.  i was able to get a knife under most of it and just pry it up in one piece.  the stuff stuck to the heating element also peeled off with some coaxing.  the stuff that melted around the bars of the oven rack had to be split first and then broken off.   i'm not entirely sure what the "eye" is, but i think i know.  use a small knife or awl (tool looks like a screwdriver but is pointed on the end) and be careful and start digging.  once you get it in far enough, you should be able to leverage the whole piece out with the tool.  otherwise scraping is my best suggestion.  it won't be as hard to remove as you think it would be.  

    unless the tears in your eyes make it hard to see.....  i screamed and cried and cried when i realized i had melted all that tupperware..... it was a set of tumblers and a set of bowls... brand new.... what a waste...

  3. Well the only way to remove this is carefully.

    Using hot soapy water, keep washing the burner over and over, leave the soapy water on it for a few minutes at a time then using a plastic scarper just scrape it off.

    the soap will soften the plastic and make it easier to remove.  

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