
What is the best way to remove urine stain/smell?

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We just got a puppy and are trying to potty train her, however in the process she has peed all over my carpet. What is the best way to get the urine smell out of carpet? What products or techniques have worked for you?




  1. Found this info for pet urine

    A product called urine off or

    a solution using common household items is made by mixing one part water to three parts white vinegar. Place something heavy, such as a laminated book, over the stain. This stops the solution from simply evaporating into the air, and allows it to work. Do not blot.  Allow the solution to dry. Step two involves mixing a solution of three parts water to one part vinegar, and repeating the process. When completely dried, use 1 teaspoon liquid detergent to one cup of water, and thoroughly cleanse the area, blotting it dry.  The vinegar smell will dissipate in a few days.

  2. Use a black light to identify all of the soiled areas. Once you have done that, soak them in a product like Simple Solution (follow the directions on the bottle)

    Steam clean the carpet once the Simple Solution has dried.

  3. Go to the supermarket and have a look in there range, Vinegar and water mixed works pretty well.

    but supermarket will have pet stuff or your nearist pet shop should deff have something

  4. Resolve Spray. Spray it on the stain, let it set for a few minutes scrub up what you can then place an absorbent rag or towel on the spot for a few hours to lift the rest.

  5. I know the best product to use is called "GET SERIOUS" it works for p**p,pee and other problems.  They will not go back to the same spot no more and takes out yellowing, and you can get it from petsmart.  It really work for my yorkie and also used it for a cockerspaniel.  I also know that I was told of this product through a dog trainer cesar millan the dog trainer use it too.

  6. you should try oxy remover.

  7. Get an enzyme based cleanser (they sell them at most pet areas, from Wal-Mart to pet-stores) and a UV light (pee-glows...)  Follow the instructions.

    Enzyme based cleansers have enzymes that break down the proteins and destroy the stain and smell in the process.  Nature's Miracle is a famous one, but there are off-brands that are at other stores for not as much.  The thing to look for is "enzymes" on the label.

  8. Natures' Miracle from Petsmart.  Oh and I have a brand new house and when I got my puppy last November, I put down this clear plastic sheeting that sticks to the carpet.  Builders use it all the time to protect carpet and floors.  You can buy it in rolls in the flooring dept at Lowes.  It's kinda  a pain to put down but it does save your carpet.  You get the dog out of the house or in the crate so it doesn't bug you while you are putting it down.  Then you unroll it and cut it to fit and just keep doing that until all your carpet is covered.  Make sure that anywhere you put it, the carpet is CLEAN and DRY or you'll get mold.  You can leave it on the carpet for up to 3 months.  It saved my carpet.  I love the stuff.  

  9. Go to your local pet store and ask for a product called Nature's Miracle.  You can pour it straight on the stain, or use a carpet shampoo machine with the suction turned off.  This will get rid of the odor better than anything out there.

  10. A product called "Get Serious" is sold in a concentrate.It not only removes even old stains, but it removes the pheromones your animal can smell that your nose may not detect.

    Zeolite granules will also be found in same pet section.After cleaning & drying the area well, this natural clay like product will absorb any remaining problems.Best used after the area is slightly damp.Later on it needs to be vacuumed up.

    So far, the most effective products we have run across.

  11. Vinegar mixed 1/2 with hot water works really well.  

  12. A vinegar and water solution works well and also gets rid of the scent so the dog won't keep urinating in the same spot.  It worked for me and it is inexpensive.

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