
What is the best way to scary your mom?

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What is the best way to scary your mom?




  1. Get a noose (modified obviously) have some of the rope come around and under your arms (into your armpits) and just have some free rope around your neck, then suspend yourself from a tree or something. Make sure the rope isn't too tight around your neck or you WILL choke. Make sure the rope around your shoulders and under your arms is secure or you'll fall. Of course you have to wear a shirt over the ropes around your arms or she won't belive it...

  2. go to your friends house and don't come back and don't call and don't answer when she calls and hide when she comes over there. Hide in the neighbor's house. That will really scare her. And make sure your friend says you walked home if she comes over.

  3. give her a makeover, that would really make her scary ;)

  4. bend one (or even more) of your fingers, tape it with a bandage and put some ketchup or any blood-like liquid...

    assuming she just arrived, just sit in a corner while acting like your feeling so much ache...

    this "scare tactic" depends on your acting...

  5. tell her u got someone pregnant

  6. free falling !

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