
What is the best way to search for a person that you can't find easily.?

by  |  earlier

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This is a real question. I am searching for a family member that needs to be contacted asap and I have very little information.




  1. U have lots a sources to check if u think about it.  If u or someone u know is in a "position" to do a credit check on a person., gives alot of info such as last known address, employer, loans, creditcards, landlords perhaps, mortage/banking info....all kinds good stuff including whom besides yourself has been looking for them (inquiries).  If u have a last known address but is no good then go on the internet & search the  former neighbors across the street, next door, up stairs , whatever...become a PI...use your imagination, lie if u think it's necessary.

  2. With all the information you may have on the person, If they've blocked for others to find or do a search on them you won't be able to find them.  

    Either on the Personals, 360 page, Mail, even here Y!A enter their name or username and let the search begin.

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