
What is the best way to send potential customers to your on line store?

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I need lots of help in this area. Thank you in advace for your help.




  1. Email them.

  2. what ever you do dont email people unless they have an accoun an agree to it. Otherwise ur emails will be classed as spam/junk and be deleted, but an advert in the newspaper or on another populur website, would be better to use

  3. I would suggest you to visit and find out how you can qualified business leads that are highly interested with the product that you're offering.

  4. The best way to get potential customers to your online store would be using google adwords as paid advertising.  You will be targeting specific keywords that relate to what your store has to offer that potential customers would type in the search engines.

    With free advertising you could do everything from writing articles, making videos or submit a press release announcing your store to the market place.

    The main thing is to be persistent with your advertising and drive as much traffic as possible to you store with both free and paid methods.  Also test different marketing campaigns and track your results.

    I hope these ideas help.

    All the best,

    Aaron aka Realmap

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