
What is the best way to start a Novel?

by Guest60084  |  earlier

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I am writing a novel but always have a problem with the first chapter. What is the best way to start a novel? right in the middle of an event? right in the middle of a conversation? Start out describing something? how should i do this. At the beginniing of the novel it is the last day of school and they are taking the finals. Should i start out describing all the students taking finals? or should i have the final bell ring? how should i start it out?




  1. you have to have a hook to grab the readers attention, so they wont get bored and go do something else. try adding a lot of tension.

  2. I just write whatever part I'm inspired to write at the moment.  If you force yourself to go in order you won't be as passionate as you would be if you just wrote out what was ever strongest on your mind.  The beginning will come naturally when you put all the pieces together.

  3. You should start off with a question on your main characters finals. Show them thinking about it and trying to answer it.

  4. It was a dark and stormy night....

  5. Personally, I like when it starts right in the middle of a conversation, but I suppose yu could describe the students taking the finals too. Give them a little substance before anything really starts.:]

  6. Write it out as how you think it would be most interesting. Do the finals have anything to do with the events later on in the story? If so, then maybe you should tell about them doing the finals. If not, then maybe you should skip over all the details.

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