
What is the best way to start a a career as an elected official?

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I hope to one day run for an election. What is the best way to start?




  1. If you want power or fame, please go home and do something else. Seriously.

    If you want to change something for the better (as in more freedoms for us and smaller government) then ask yourself how you will change, how that will affect people, why is it better, how you will make it work, etc. Answer all those questions in your own mind. Move onto the next topic. Work out your top 10 big issues for the office you want to run for. Then get out their and sell your platform.

    Working with an established party is best if possible. Don't be afraid to fail. Don't assume that your message will prevail in a single election cycle.

    Work for other politicians you respect can help you get started.

    Don't become a career politician. That isn't in anyone's best interest, especially the voters.

  2. FIRST OFF, it should not be considered a career!

    If it were up to me (federal) politicians would get the same pay as an E4.

    You want some advice...have good morale character, strong will, nerves of steel, and the ability to make the complex simple.  

    If none of these apply please refer to B.H.O. or L.B.J. and or W.J.C. all of these are fine examples of empty suits.

  3. Congratulations. Your first step would be to try and run for a local office. Nothing fancy.

  4. I'm not entirely sure, but in terms of education, I think it would be best to have a political science degree.

    Run for small things like Metro Council and then work your way up to Mayor, Senator, etc.  

    Make sure that you do as you say (ie, don't vote against increased minimum wage if you say that you support it)

  5. Have a wealthy uncle.

  6. You should check with the party you would like to run with. If you would like to run independantly, you need to check your state or city's ballot access laws. The best way to go about getting into an election would be to contact a state branch of a political party. They will be able to help you the best.

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