
What is the best way to start a career in Project Management?

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I have a degree in Management Science and 1yrs experience in computer forensics and IT Audit




  1. If you already have a job, talk to your manager and offer to take on tasks to ease his/her workload. Find a project your company needs to have done that your manager loathes to do. Demonstrate your skills.

    On the other hand, Project Managers take on a lot of stress and responsibilty. Your hairs will gray faster and your personal life will be consumed by irregular work hours. As such, whatever projects you take on had better be worthwhile.

    Time is too short to be stressing for someone's problems.

    Anyway, just know that before going in the game.

    Good Project Managers take about 15 years of experience to reach their prime.


  2. IT career-

  3. From your short bio I see that you seem to have some experience that will be a good foundation for project management. The important thing to remember, however, is that PM is not ab "industry" per se. It is more or a career path within an industry. For instance, there are PMs in construction and PMs in IT and I met a PM in computer forensics about 6 months ago.So the trick is to stay in your area of expertise and add PM as a skill under your belt.

    A good start for you would be to listen to an interview that I did with Thomas Cutting, PMP on the topic "How can I become a project manager". We talk about many ways in which anyone can begin this journey. The interview is completely free and you don't have to register either. Just click on the play button on the following page:

    Until next time,

    Cornelius Fichtner, PMP

    The Project Management PrepCast™ -

    The Project Management Podcast™ -

  4. I have not known too many that went right into project management, unless they had prior experience.  Which, if you have worked on a team or supervised a team fro project implementation, then you have experience. If no experience, then the best direction to pursue is to get in on some type of level with a larger company and put in your dues.  After a year or 18 months, you can start applying for other positions within the company, like project management. If anything comes my way, get your information to me so I can pass it along.

    My Best,

    Michael Grant

    find a career – find an employee

  5. Most project managers work with large consulting firms....and are PMI certified.  It takes several engagements to become experienced.  Knowledge of tools and estimating time for an IT projects are essential.  Customers look for previous experience in hiring project managers.  Most businesses turn to consultants as it's not a skill they need permanently. (retired IBM exec project mgr)  

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