
What is the best way to start a grass roots campaign to elect Al Gore as President?

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What is the best way to start a grass roots campaign to elect Al Gore as President?




  1. make a hollywood movie - he might have a chance there

  2. Wait at the bars at closing time . He might get some votes that way .

  3. Did he really endorse Obama?

  4. You need a way back machine!  Ask Mr. Peabody he knows where it is! You cartoon clown!!

  5. He lost my respect when he endorsed Obama...How about Hillary?

  6. Jump in your time machine...oh wait we are in the real world!

  7. There is only one way.....KILL EVERYONE WHO USE THEIR  BRAIN!!!!

  8. He doesn't have a chance - save your energy.

  9. Just don't.

  10. Get in your time machine and travel back 18 months...

  11. come to my house.

  12. You should have done that with Bush stole the Presidency.

    Everybody was sleeping then.

    They tried it again when this Presidential campaign started.  

    But he said no.

    Best the DNC.

  13. First, you would have to gather enough morons to outvote the other two parties.

  14. Give it up, friend. It's June.

    Al had his shot in 2000.

  15. Start of like this Every day millions of people have no choice but to commute in millions of cars along congested highways spewing noxious fumes. The current Government could restructure the highways and provide a clean,cheap, fast alternative but has not for the reason the car companies profit and the gas companies as well from taxes paid by citizens to maintain The Highways .It may be true Al Gore has or had a big house and while an issue  there is this to consider to shift your tax dollars back to creating a more centralized location would provide more protection at just the cost of a train tickett. There would be no more ticketts for speeding from the police, no high gas prices, and cities freindly to bicycles would reduce the health care bill plus give you more time to plan your day and take in the scenery.

  16. Go door to door, wearing nothing but a diaper, and pass out candy and AlGore buttons.

    Be sure to talk about global warming.

  17. start the hypocrite party

  18. h**l, if inventing the internet wasn't enough to put him over the top I don't know what to do...

  19. What I want to know is with his Nobel status, votes in hand, and ecologic imperative -- why hasn't Al Gore openly offered himself as a Vice-Presidential candidate?

    I put the question on Y/A a couple of months ago, and most of the answers pointed to the fact that he has already achieved enough fame and money to be content.  What?  Isn't it exactly those things that should free him (if he is as sincere as he pretends) to use the VP office as the perfect platform for his green agenda, while absolutely free of any necessity to bend to special considerations or lobbies?

    I don't know.  That moment where he grabbed Tipper on the podium and practically ate her face to publicly "prove" how great their relationship was -- that still sticks in my craw, along with the "I invented the internet" claim that someone else mentioned.  He's become a better speaker, true.  But I confess I'm afraid there's no wizard behind the curtain, despite the bombast.

  20. Don't know, he would be worthless any way.

    ***** President Elect John McCain in November!*****

    America is just not that broken to choose otherwise!

  21. Why do you want to dig up the past and it' s mistakes ? This country need a clean slate try Chuck Baldwin of the constitution party.

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