
What is the best way to start a mass movement to get people to learn about the Iraq War in detail?

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In your opinion, what is the best way to get people to really take the Iraq war seriously and really understand what is happening over there?

People today seem to like remaining ignorant over the Iraq war, maybe due to time constraints in their own lives or maybe it has something to do with them not wanting to. But how can they not want to, it is costing the taxpayers of the US TRILLIONS of dollars to be there!!




  1. What would you like them to know?

    would you tell them that every reason stated by the U.S. government for going to war was a lie?

    how about telling everyone that they were duped by the dumbest man in America.

    these are things people don't want to know.

    they don't want to have to accept responsibility for electing a fool.

  2. enlist

  3. No violance domonstration,

    Change the Govt by vote

  4. get drunk

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