
What is the best way to stay in contact with my family while I'm in Spain?

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I will be in Spain for a year, and I leave in August. My dad bought some webcams we're installing.

Now, when I get there, should I look for a cell phone? Or should I get this thing called 'Skype'? What other options are there?




  1. If you have an AT and T cell phone it will work in Spain. The only thing you may have to do is change out the sim card.

  2. Personally, I think internet access would be the best way and the CHEAPEST way for you, and your family.  By e-mail you can type daily and do the web-cam thing.  I'd also advice you to get a mic and have your family get a mic if the home PC isn't already capable of this service.  

    With a Mic, the webcam, and internet access you can verbally talk to your parents and have the visual as well, and it would be of no great expense.  You can use yahoo to webcam with them, or plenty other free programs that allow it.

    For a more personal touch, send them actual postcards of your own John Hancock to them.

    Enjoy your trip! Be safe!!!!

  3. ya something like that

  4. u can always get a prepaid cell phone plan.. or get a calling card... a coworker of mine is keepin in touch with her daughter that is in china through skype.. is workin out for her well....

    spain is a beautiful place.. have fuuun1

  5. e-mail and MSN

  6. use email or skype . with skype you can talk and  webcam and its for free

  7. skype is prety good for long distance calling to people and you can use ur webcam on that

    mobiles for long distance calling can be very expensive

  8. Skype is the best thing in my opinion.  It's free between Skype users, so If you and your family members all make accounts, you can talk for free.  You can download it at

  9. Skype sucks, try Yahoo IM, MSN Messenger, or an application called Trillian, as it uses various IM services at once, although I don't recall if you can use a webcam with it.

    It's been a while since I've had good cam. :D LOL!

  10. keep dreaming u will be the best closest possible

  11. Email and Webcam

  12. HUH?

  13. calling cards

  14. If you have a laptop, why not just send them emails while you're there? That's the best and quickest way to keep in touch with them.

  15. Not sure about cell phones and charges while in Spain. What about instant messaging and email? The web cams will be great but you can send pictures and everything over the internet.

  16. Letters-people did this solely for a very long time, IM, email, phone calls.

  17. get skype!its free!wonderful free...

    i use it to talk to my family in mauritius

    or use windows messenger and webcam - also beautifully free!

  18. If you get a cell phone make sure it can make international calls. You can also get calling cards made for international calls. My friend used them while she was in England and they worked well for her.

    Don't forget email of course. You don't have to worry about the time difference. The only thing is finding a keyboard in English. They exist, it just might be hard to find one at first.

  19. Skype is a great option. Starting a blog is also a cool tool to write to your family and friends and tell your stories.

    Facebook is also another good way to stay in touch.

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