
What is the best way to stop Nausea

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Could you please tell me the best way to stop the feeling of nausea without being sick.




  1. Pepto Bismal and Ginger Ale =) Ginger calms the stomach.

  2. i drink coca cola, pepsi, or sprite.

    surprisingly it usually works

  3. There is a spot that you can put pressure on in the mouth:  on the gums of the upper teeth right where the frenulum is (that piece of skin that attaches the upper lip to the gumline.  Massage that firmly but not hard.  Otherwise, drink a little flat Coke.  The syrup is a natural anti-emetic (keeps you from vomiting).  Try some motion sickness pills.  Drink some weak ginger tea.  

  4. Depends on what you're feeling sick from.  Deep breathing sometimes helps.  If you're an asthmatic, you may try using your inhalor.  Ginger helps.  Potatoes help most people.  Looking at a stationary object or your feet (if your feet aren't like flying in a ride or you can't see the water) helps with some motion sickness.  Not reading helps for some people.  Sleep is a good one.  Making sure you're getting enough vitamins.  

    When I was pregnant, I had little wristbands that had a button against a pressure point on the insides of my wrists.  It did help, strangely enough.  My pharmacist had it.

  5. drink a coke but beat all the bubbles out of it so it is flat

  6. Get some peppermint oil and sniff it, or get some peppermint tea and drink it.

    You can get soem Coke syrup at the pharmacy and that usually works.

    Check the natural healing sites because there is a spot on the inside of your wrist you can rub to stop nausea. They even sell little wristbands that have a nub on them that presses on this spot on the inside of the wrist.

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