
What is the best way to stop eatting meat?

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What is the best way to stop eatting meat?




  1. get a picture of what they do to them poor animals and put it up on your fridge!!!!


    no, really, best way, just stop eating it.

  3. If you want to stop then JUST STOP.

  4. stop eating meat?

  5.<== worked for me!

  6. Do it gradually.  First, eliminate red meat, then poultry, then seafood.  Most people will rely heavily on eggs, cheese and meat analog products at first.  Not the healthiest lifestyle, but it makes the transition easier.

  7. i stopped cold turkery, after i saw this episode on hbo on what they do to these animals

    i think of it everytime i even see meat, i cant touch it.

  8. once you get into cookery it's easier. you'll be satisfied by what you've prepared even it if is just vegetables and lentils.

    the really delicious part of the meal usually isn't the meat itself, but the seasoning.

    you can still eat fish, right?

  9. First of all; don't buy it! If going out, don't even look at the things with meat, stick only to the vegetarian options. Don't eat with people who don't support your choices. Don't stop at the deli/meat aisle in your supermarket. If you have reasons why you don't eat meat (particularly moral ones), think of them when you see meat so psychologically you start to be repulsed by it. It just takes a little will power, but eventually it will become your way of life :)

  10. First watch Meet your Meat. Then watch (or read) Fast Food Nation.

    Then you just don't eat it...

    At first you may want to buy a lot of the veggie 'mock' meats from Morninstar Farms and Boca. That should help your transition.

  11. Well, myself I have failing i was eating meat

    i could feel the meat going down to my stomach like a brick.

    My Dr has put me in a low protein diet...i stopped eatting meat altogher...MEAT is difficult to breakdown in kidneys./

    digestive system....wish i had stopped long ago!!

  12. If you can't just quit cold turkey... (no pun intended) buy alternatives to meat.  Some taste really great and they're healthier for you!  A good brand is Morningstar Farms.

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