
What is the best way to store homegrown tomato?

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I've got them going ripe way too fast but I don't want to waste them. Any ideas on ways I can keep them good for use later?




  1. Make salsa or can them. Never store tomatoes in the fridge as they will turn "mealy" (have a granular type texture). Home made salsa will make great Christmas gifts!

  2. I had to cook and can mine. you can get a canning kit at kitchen shops and online. Homegrown tomatoes make great salsa and tomato sauce. pick them on the vine before they are fully ripe. it'll slow the riping process down. you usually can't save all of them but try to start a compost pile. tomatoes compost really well.

  3. One year, I had grown too many tomatatos and I was advised to do this and it worked great.  Slice them (not too thin).  Boil a large pot of water, then add the slices and quickly remove them.  Lay them out to dry, then put them in single layers in a freezer bag.  Freeze and use them when needed.

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