
What is the best way to tea dye or use coffee to dye clothes??

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My daughter who is autistic does not like white so I need to dye some things and would like to use tea bags or coffee (not instant) for dying.

Any helpful tips would be very appreciated. Thank you.




  1. I have never used tea to die clothes. But I have used it to dye bone beads.

    What I do is I make some strong tea and pour it into a bowl. Then I put the bead in and let them sit for a while. I check them every 15 minutes or so, until I get the color that I like. After getting the right color, I set them on a paper towel to dry.

    You can adapt that and try it out on what you want to dye. Worse case cenario is that it might not stain and will wash out. If it does, you can get a bottle of tan colored cloth dye from a arts and crafts or fabric store.

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