
What is the best way to teach children on how to wash fruits before eating?

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I have to plan an activity on food safety for my assignment. I can't think of any interesting way to teach 4 year old children about washing fruits. Any preschool teacher out there?? Please help! I have to role play this thing in class!




  1. Hey -

    Not a preschool teacher but I do have a preschool aged child at home. Take a marker and draw little monsters on the skins --- when the kids see it (make sure it's recognizable as something that shouldn't be on the fruit) They'll ask about it and you can tell them why they should wash their raw food.

    Might work, might not -- just a suggestion

    good luck

  2. The best way is to model the behavior. Or you might try a puppet.

  3. Before answering here I read all answers which surprised me.

    Never teach fear, Monster or talks like this will take permanent place in subconscious mind which is not good.

    The best way to teach a child is, gather some kids start some kind of game, tell them any story in which you make them to wash fruits as they do bath. Try to create fun. Children learn in game much faster. Children learn faster in groups as they copy others.

    Motivation, appreciation, interest, music these are the main key for children. Avoid, fear, horror etc. Not good idea.

  4. The best way I know is by example.  Repetitive example.  And repeat the message "wash fruits" over and over.  You can also explain "there are yuckies on the fruit and your tummy doesn't like the yuckies."  Repeating this message over and over and example of washing the fruit over and over.  That's the best way I know.

  5. just demonstrate it lol. its not that hard. they pick things up real fast. kids copy what you do including what you say. just this week my 2 1/2 yr old cousin said "f*ck you" but he has no idea what it means and im about to kick his teacher's *** cuz she was the one that said it.

    anyways, just show the kids that you have to wash the fruit or else you'll get sick :)

    there always has to be a "or else", or else they wont do it you know lol.

  6. associate fruit with water

    kids love to play in the water

    need guidance

  7. This can be fun. Put out a big bowl of water, a kitchen towel or two, and put the kids in aprons. Supply apples. Let 'em at it. Kids this age love love love to play in water, and they like to wash stuff! I would avoid the idea of suggesting the outside of a fruit is 'yuccky', because then they will avoid eating them. Put things in a positive light, like saying fruits get dirty just like you and me, and they love to have a bath before you eat them. Then let them play.

  8. tell them the truth: if you dont wash the fruits, u could get sick from the germs and the germs could possibly kill you and that would make ur parents sad and u wouldn't get to see them on earth ever again.

  9. tell them that the fruits have cooties and if they wash them off before they eat them the cooties will eb gone and the fruits will be safe to eat.

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